The Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS) is a foundation that mobilizes financial and technical resources in order to promote women’s rights in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. As an indigenous activist fund they play a key role in building bridges between those that have money and those that have the power to implement changes.
In a recent story published on the Alliance Magazine Blog, Mariela Puga (Executive Director of Fondo de Mujeres del Sur) brings to light the unique and important role played by indigenous foundations. Their profound understanding of power imbalances and root causes of continuous oppression and denial of equality to the communities they seek to serve as well as their close relationships with the communities, place indigenous foundations in a unique position to serve the “privileged role as an intermediary in the relationship between those who have the power of philanthropic resources and those who have the power of making a difference on the ground.”
Writes Mariela Puga, “This is not a traditional role that follows fixed rules. It is a role that allows us – and indeed calls upon us – to create new moments for reflection and new connections that encourage horizon-broadening philanthropic experimentation.”
Read the full story on the Alliance Magazine Blog here .