Just published: the latest issue of Alliance magazine

Now available – the June issue of Alliance magazine Philanthropy in a changing world economy The latest issue of Alliance magazine considers how foundations are responding to global shifts of economic power and what philanthropy might look like in the future. The feature article from guest editor Anthony Tomei is available to read on the…

Bernard van Leer Foundation Programme Officer – East Africa

The Bernard van Leer Foundation is a private grant-making Foundation. Our mission is to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances. We see this both as a valuable end in itself and as a long-term means to promoting more cohesive, considerate and creative societies…

From Good to Great Philanthropy

We are excited to be co-sponsoring a session at the European Foundation Centre Conference in Copenhagen. Our session ‘From Good to Great Philanthropy’ will be held on Thursday, 30 May, 2013 between at 3:30 PM. Many foundations would probably claim that the work they are doing is good – but how many would say it’s…

Vote Now for the Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize

Voting is now open for the winner of the Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize. The shortlist for the Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize was announced at the beginning of March. Profiles of the shortlisted finalists are featured in a special supplement to accompany the March 2013 edition of Alliance magazine, which focuses on philanthropy in emerging market…

AWDF is Recruiting

The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grant making foundation, which aims to support the work of the African women’s movement for peace, equality, sustainable development and social justice. AWDF, which is based in Accra, Ghana. AWDF requires the services of an experienced, innovative and dedicated Programmes Specialist, Knowledge Management, to support the senior…

January 2013 PSJP Newsletter

Click here to see the latest PSJP newsletter. It contains: FEATURE • Stories from PSJP – Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) BLOG POSTS from https://www.psjp.org and others • Art and Social Justice by Tanul Tiwari • Funding the Fight to End Violence Against Women in South Asia by Chandrika Sahai • Red Umbrella Fund Welcomes…

Just Giving | Global Social Change Annual Conference | Washington, DC | May 21-23, 2013

At last year’s 12th annual Just Giving Conference over 250 globally minded local and international foundations, donors and allies committed to social change gathered to help launch the new EDGE Funders Alliance. A short video produced during the conference captured well the spirit, commitment and vision of the community of “engaged donors” being created within…

Webinar | Engaging young people in philanthropy | Jan 23, 2013

Engaging young people in philanthropy: lessons from Brazil and Slovakia Join the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) to hear about how two community foundations – one in Brazil and the other in Slovakia – are working with young people in their communities. From Brazil, the Florianopolis-based community foundation ICom (Instituto Comunitaria Florianoplis) will tells…