
2012 African Grantmakers Network Assembly

Its a Generational Thing? Africa’s young majority is rising. But young people face endemic joblessness, poverty and social exclusion. Is Africa’s youthfulness a demographic gift or curse? In the past, struggles for freedom seized the hearts and minds of the youth. What’s shaping the social consciousness of Africa’s educated young people today? Have the elders…

Webinar: What is Social Justice Philanthropy?

A large part of philanthropic resources are committed to helping people from low-income and other marginalized communities by helping to alleviate the immediate crises they find themselves in. But the problems often remain. The impact of philanthropy is often constrained by concerns around the symptoms of poverty and injustice, missing in the process the factors…

Its not about the money!

Thoughts from the Arab Foundations Forum Meeting, Cairo, Sept 2012 In the wake of the Arab spring, the Arab Foundations Forum met in Cairo on September 16 and 17, 2012 to discuss how they could maximize philanthropic resources in times of change and austerity. It was clear from the start of the conversations that the…

Stories from PSJP: The Dalit Foundation, India

We have witnessed better results when a social justice and peace lens and approach is used by philanthropy. It enables a focus on root causes and mechanisms that perpetuate injustice as opposed to just alleviating the effects of unjust treatment. However, there remain many questions to be answered about the practice of philanthropy for social…

How philanthropy can tackle the root causes of injustice

We are excited to be co-organising an interactive plenary at the upcoming Arab Foundations Forum Annual meeting. Philanthropic resources are typically used to promote human development and ease the symptoms of injustice, largely through services or development projects. Some have begun to question the ultimate impact of these approaches in altering social, economic, and political…