Developing a Collective Framework and Agenda to Advance Social Justice Philanthropy in Africa and the Arab Region

Working Paper : Developing a Collective Framework and Agenda to Advance Social Justice Philanthropy in Africa and the Arab Region: A Convening by Alice L. Brown Originally Presented: October 2012, Revised and Expanded: January 2013 Developing a Collective Framework and Agenda to Advance Social Justice Philanthropy in Africa and the Arab Region Alice Brown.pdf

Advancing Human Rights: The State of Global Foundation Grantmaking

Each year foundations around the world fund efforts to ensure the protection and promotion of human rights. Advancing Human Rights: The State of Global Foundation Grantmaking provides the first-ever analysis of the scope and landscape of global human rights grantmaking. Prepared by the Foundation Center and the International Human Rights Funders Group (IHRFG), Advancing Human…

The Case for Community Philanthropy

May 22, 2013 Publisher(s): Aga Khan Foundation USA; Charles Stewart Mott Foundation; Global Fund for Community Foundations; Rockefeller Brothers Fund Across the globe, citizens are bringing the practice of community philanthropy to life in ever-evolving ways. They are creating and governing new organizations that raise and give local money and other assets. They are customizing…

Interview with Bernie Dolley, Ikhala Trust, South Africa

Bernie Dolley, Director of Ikhala Trust, Cape Town, South Africa talks about the role that philanthropy must play, the questions we as the philanthropic field need to be asking of ourselves, the value of small grants, and overcoming barriers posed my emphasis on quantifiable outcomes in philanthropy. Click on the attachment below to read the…

Developing a Collective Framework & Agenda to Advance Social Justice Philanthropy in Africa & the Arab Region

The report ‘DEVELOPING A COLLECTIVE FRAMEWORK & AGENDA TO ADVANCE SOCIAL JUSTICE PHILANTHROPY, IN AFRICA AND THE ARAB REGION’ is based on a convening held in Johannesburg in October 2012. The Convening was an initiative of TrustAfrica, the Working Group on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace and the African Grantmakers Network, in collaboration with…

How Can We Grow the Work? Ideas from Practitioners of Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace

How can we grow the practice of philanthropy for social justice and peace? This is the question we put to twenty-four leading practitioners from different parts of the world during interviews conducted between May and December of 2012. In the attached report, you’ll hear a fascinating and at times provocative array of answers, reflections, and…

Weaving our Fabric in the Arab World: A report by Naseej

“Weaving our Fabric in the Arab World” captures the story of Naseej (a Community Foundation based in Amman, Jordan) between the years 2005 and 2012, its achievements and efforts to engage youth in their own development, to build active communities across the region and to positively influence the social, economic and political conditions at various…

A Different Kind of Wealth: Mapping a Baseline of African Community Foundations

This report, written by Jenny Hodgson and Barry Knight, is a first attempt to establish a baseline for the field of community foundations and other types of community philanthropy organizations in Africa. This is an important field united by a focus on building local assets, promoting local giving and strengthening the communities in which these…

Mobilizing Community Power to Address Structural Racism

The Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE) just released its latest publication, Mobilizing Community Power to Address Structural Racism, the fourth volume of their Critical Issues Forum series aiming to deepen the discourse around important progressive racial justice issues within philanthropy. The full publication and individual articles can be downloaded here.