Of Narratives, Networks and New Spaces: A Baseline Mapping of the African Philanthropy Infrastructure Sector

Halima Mahomed, March 2014, The Rockefeller Foundation The report provides an overview of the current state of infrastructure for philanthropy in Africa.  It suggests that the sector is small, but growing steadily in numbers and diversity of offering. Both challenges and opportunities are highlighted stressing overall significant progress in the sector (in terms of capacity,…

Supporting Community Foundations in Times of Conflict

  What happens when Community Foundations find themselves facing political turbulence, periods of severe community crises or periods of societal transition? Is there a role for community philanthropy during times of political conflict and conflict transformation?  What can support associations do to facilitate the work of Community Foundations when they are struggling to develop a…

Watering The Leaves, Starving The Roots

The Status of Financing for Women’s Rights Organizing and Gender Equality This new report (authored by Angelika Arutyunova and Cindy Clark) from the Association for Women’s Rights in Development provides the latest analysis on the funding trends impacting women’s rights organizing and the financial status of women’s organizations around the world. Based on a survey…

Supporting Countries in Transition

A Framework Guide for Foundation Engagement This guide, published by the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) and the Gerhart Center, offers a tailored framework for private foundations to support the work that goes into rebuilding polarized societies when conflict ends or a dictator falls. The framework is premised on the evident fact that the strategic…

The Contested Corners of Asia

Subnational Conflict and International Development Assistance Thomas Parks, Nat Colletta, Ben Oppenheim Subnational conflict is the most widespread, enduring, and deadly form of conflict in Asia. Over the past 20 years (1992-2012), there have been 26 subnational conflicts in South and Southeast Asia, affecting half of the countries in this region. Concerned about foreign interference,…

Session Report – Social Justice Philanthropy: Why should it matter?

This report summarises the discussions that took place during a two-hour session of the Annual Philanthropy Conference 2013 organised in Mombasa by the East Africa Association of Grantmakers. The session on ‘Social Justice Philanthropy: Why should it matter?’, provided a diverse group of philanthropic grantmakers and development practitioners with an opportunity to develop a shared…