GIVING, International Journal on Philanthropy and Social Innovation invites submissions for publication in its upcoming thematic issue on Social Justice/ Social Change Philanthropy
The Journal, published – twice a year – in English and Italian, is an interdisciplinary forum, focused on the production of research and studies on philanthropy as an engine of social innovation, addressing, among others, topics related to social equity, social justice and social investment.
For subscriptions please, find enclosed the form.
For further details on the Journal’s Editorial Board and Board of Advisors, please refer to the web site, (also you can refer to,
‘Social justice’ or ‘social change’ philanthropy is defined as that which focuses on the root causes of injustice and inequity with a view to effecting structural or systemic change.[1] This Special Issue of Giving invites contributions focusing on philanthropic endeavors that move beyond supporting charities and social institutions to play a role in advancing social causes, policy initiatives and political movements. In this sense ‘social justice’ / ‘social change’ philanthropy moves beyond the ‘charitable’ in that it addresses the causes rather than the symptoms of injustice or inequity.[2]
Authors submitting manuscripts should provide two copies in English, double spaced (20 pages at most, Times New Roman 12, line space 1,5) For citations and bibliographies, authors should refer to the Chicago Manual of Style.
A group of referees will evaluate and select the contributions and the author will be notified as soon as a publication decision is made. Authors are personally responsible for the accuracy of their citations, which should conform to the editorial rules enclosed. The translation of the articles from English into Italian will be assured by a professional translator, hired by the Publishing House.
Please, inform us if you want to write a paper for our journal
Deadline for submission is 15 August 2011
Please send contributions to:
Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche – Università di Bologna
Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2
40124 Bologna
Or email submissions to Editors as below.
Please address all inquiries to the Editors, Giuliana Gemelli,, Deborah Bolognesi, Paolo Palenzona, Alice Brusa and Guest Editor Shauna Mottiar