Fund for Gender Equality Grants

The Fund for Gender Equality today announced grants totalling more than US$27.5 million to recipients in 13 countries, with grant amounts of up to US$3 million each. The Fund for Gender Equality, supported by donations from the Governments of Spain and Norway, is managed by the UN Development Fund for Women, UNIFEM (part of UN…

Marking Progress: Movement Toward Racial Justice

The Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity has just released a new publication, “Making Progress: Movement Toward Racial Justice.” This publication is the third volume of the Critical Issues Forum series, which aims to deepen the discourse around important progressive racial justice issues within philanthropy. In this journal, several authors tackle the problems and prospects of…

Administrative Associate position at UNIFEM Fund for Gender Equality

Dear friends and colleagues, The Fund for Gender Equality is looking for an Administrative Associate (see description below) and the deadline to apply is 2 july 2010. Please distribute widely among your networks. Appy directly by clicking here. Thank you, Ana Maria Enriquez, Programme Manager UNIFEM… ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE Location : New York, UNITED STATES…

Sara Gould Leaving the Ms Foundation

Below is the announcement from Sara, the Board Chair and past Board Chair of the Ms Foundation about Sara’s departure from the Ms Foundation: After nearly 25 years at the Foundation, Sara is stepping down as president and chief executive officer, effective November 19, 2010. We anticipate that a new president and CEO will join…

Shelley Davis leaving the Chicago Foundation for Women

Below is an announcement from Shelley Davis about her departure from the Chicago Foundation for Women: Dear Colleagues, With mixed emotion, I am moving on from Chicago Foundation for Women after five years of service. I will dedicate the summer to my children and volunteering. In the fall, I will begin a new position teaching…