What Can Community Philanthropy Offer a Europe of Refugees?

This post first appeared on the website of the Global Fund for Community Foundations. At a meeting of community foundation representatives from across Europe, Jasna Jasarevic, from the Tuzla Community Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, reminded us that although her country was not a transit area for refugees, Bosnians were experienced in responding to emergencies. “We can…

United Palestinian Appeal: Example of a Solidarity Donor?

This article was first published in Arabic by Al-Adab. I met Saleem Zaru, Executive Director of United Palestinian Appeal (UPA), under the strangest of circumstances. UPA had published an appeal to raise money for my friend Nureddin Amro, whose home was partially demolished by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem on March 31, 2015. As a frequent…

Strategy Testing: An Innovative Approach to Monitoring Highly Flexible Aid Programs

The attached new Asia Foundation paper describes an exciting new monitoring system developed by The Asia Foundation called Strategy Testing (ST). “ST was developed to track programs that are addressing complex development problems through a highly iterative, adaptive ‘searching’ approach. Traditional monitoring methods are designed to track progress in linear, largely pre-planned projects where the…

How do you learn how to give?

THE IDEX ACADEMY6-10 March 2016, Sonoma, California If you want to help usher in transformative social change, today’s global challenges require your most ingenious thinking, your most effective resources, and your strongest partnerships. Join us for The IDEX Academy, a week-long training course for people who deploy resources towards social change. We equip you with…

Actually, it was my capacity that needed to be built

“Capacity building” has been in every job description or programmatic strategy of every international aid and philanthropic organization with which I’ve worked over the past 15 years. In some form or another, I’ve led, funded, or facilitated workshops, exchange visits, trainings intended to enhance the knowledge and skills of people who live in poor countries.…

The Refugee Crisis- What’s happening in philanthropy?

An earlier version of this article was first shared on September 15, 2015. It has since then been updated to include the latest information and we will attempt to continue to update the information as work progresses. Do keep checking in. Recent pictures have brought to light the seriousness of the refugee crisis in Europe.…

What can an artist-in-residence program do for your foundation?

I’ll admit it. I’m scared. I joined IDEX less than two months ago, and now, I’m being asked to “take on the mantel of being an artist.” What?! I’m the Director of Communications. I think up strategy to reach our audiences. I update the website. I manage our brand. I post blogs. I run our social…


The first edition of SYRIA – BEYOND WAR is now out! Read it here.  SYRIA – BEYOND WAR is a newsletter commissioned by swisspeace and NOREF to disseminate information regarding peacebuilding activities in relation to Syria to interested parties on a quarterly basis. If you wish to have your activities featured in our upcoming newsletter, or have any feedback, please…

Six Steps to “Dignified Interdependence”

Not infrequently, people ask me how community organizations can become independent of international funding. Part of the answer, I believe, lies in reformulating the question. “Independence,” is a smokescreen. First world countries that claim to be independent are often dependent on the natural and human resources of the global south. Even donors who claim to…