Program Officer at Open Society Foundation’s Campaign for Black Male Achievement
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We thought you’d appreciate some of the content from the Risky Business session, which we helped organize for the EFC conference in Belfast in June. Here is a link to the Prezi file with the results of a survey conducted by Barry Knight and Selim Iltus looking at risk-taking by European Foundations. As well,you’ll find…
New article in the Global Fund for Community Foundations newsletter by Chandrika Sahai, the Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace Network Coordinator. You can read it here.
We are co-sponsoring a session on risk in foundations on Wednesday, 6 June, 14:30-16:30PM at the EFC Conference. Who talks about risk in your foundation, and is it ever discussed outside of the investment team? This session will discuss what risks are inherent to philanthropic work, which risks are worth the consequences of failure, and…
At the EFC Conference in Belfast on Thursday, 7 June, 7:00-8:30AM, we are hosting a session on movements for economic justice. As the impact of the economic crisis hits hard, civil society is presented with challenges of increased demand, reduced resources and a new and complex array of issues. What new forms of organisation, types…
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The Global Fund for Community Foundations is hosting a webinar on 25 April, called Photo Speak: Enabling Young People’s Voices. Want to know more about how photography can be used to profile young people’s views and get them involved in their communities? Join us for our second webinar, taking place on Wednesday, 25th April, 2012,…
After an extensive search, we are excited to announce that Chandrika Sahai has been appointed as the new Coordinator for the Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace Network. Chandrika will be working to build the network, share knowledge about practice, and connect practitioners and projects from around the world. Chandrika lives in Jaipur, India and…
Dear Friends Donors and funders have been finding various ways to support Occupy and related efforts. Additional support is needed to maintain and build momentum, and in alliance with a growing number of funder networks, affinity groups and individuals an Occupy Philanthropy website has now been set up, whose purpose is to provide a space…
The Edge Fund, a new venture on social justice philanthropy in the UK, may be of great interest to you. Here’s some information from their website: There’s a big problem with philanthropy very few people want to talk about: the system that creates the wealth of philanthropists also causes many of the problems philanthropy attempts…
More than 130 funders participated, clearly indicating the high level of interest in the Occupy moment. Along with others within philanthropy we will continue tracking emerging discussions and calls for social and economic justice being raised by OWS and wider civil society movements in the US and internationally. To access a recording of the call, dial 1-712-432-3131…