Just published: the latest issue of Alliance magazine

Now available – the June issue of Alliance magazine Philanthropy in a changing world economy The latest issue of Alliance magazine considers how foundations are responding to global shifts of economic power and what philanthropy might look like in the future. The feature article from guest editor Anthony Tomei is available to read on the…

Blame It on Bad Luck

Does luck play a role in the work of a foundation that achieves great results? According to a survey filled out by 80 European foundations, it does. But are they attracted to the idea of a foundation that relies on luck? No they are not, or at least they won’t admit to it. The session…

A Better and Bigger Pie

Thoughts from the Just Giving Conference 2013 Held at the beautiful campus of the Galludet University in Washington D.C., the second annual conference of the Edge Funders Alliance was entitled ‘What is to be done? And how do we do it?’ The simplicity of the conference title was refreshing-allowing for discussions to get straight to…

Change is Happening

Acknowledging and Celebrating the Power and Impact of Women’s Human Rights Movements Over Three Decades Change Takes Time Over the past 30 years the work of women’s rights movements has led to nothing short of revolutionary changes in public attitudes, law, governance, and in the private sector and civil society. Women’s movements have changed how…

How Can We Grow the Work?

At a philanthropy gathering in late 2012, a session participant remarked, “raising money for social justice is like the church asking for money for love”. The analogy amused me and yet I was gravely concerned by the implication of that statement. In that statement was a reflection of our times where philanthropy is largely driven…

Bernard van Leer Foundation Programme Officer – East Africa

The Bernard van Leer Foundation is a private grant-making Foundation. Our mission is to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances. We see this both as a valuable end in itself and as a long-term means to promoting more cohesive, considerate and creative societies…

The Myths of Poverty

We’ve all seen the headlines that portray those on benefit as scroungers; we’ve most likely all heard ministers question the fairness for hardworking people having to foot the bill for the unemployed who “sleep off a life on benefit”; and most of us will know someone who believes that poverty is the fault of the…