Sea change or hard to see change: Are foundations making enough of a difference?

Foundations in Europe seem to vary greatly on the charity to social change spectrum. But, in one way or another, do all foundations aspire to create sustainable change? Should they? This highly interactive session will examine how foundations look at themselves and will consider the question: ‘Do we understand ourselves to be change makers?’ This is not evident and is…

‘Role of Philanthropy in Difficult Times’: A Response from Sri Lanka

Avila Kilmurray’s presentation at the WINGS Forum in Istanbul in March 2014 titled ‘Role of Philanthropy in Difficult Times’ resonated deeply with us at the Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust, (NTT) an indigenous foundation based in Sri Lanka engaged in community philanthropy. While stressing the importance of community philanthropy Avila set out the elements that make community…

More Than the Sum of Our Parts

I find that with each passing year the philanthropic discourse succumbs more and more to thinking and language that’s driven by and suited to market-based solutions. In this context, the ‘Barry Gaberman Lecture’ delivered by Avila Kilmurray titled ‘The Role of Philanthropy in Difficult Times’, provided a refreshing grounding to the conversations at WINGSForum 2014: The Power…

Philanthropy Inherently Exists

by Rita Thapa Photo: SC Closing Event 2 April 2014 at the Tewa Center – A Community of Donors Just this month, I was witness to 3 philanthropic phenomena! The 3 year long Samapanna Campaign (SC) was brought to closure at Tewa, the Nepal women’s fund in Kathmandu, I had the opportunity to participate in…

New Executive Director of the Southern Africa Trust: Bheki Moyo

The Southern Africa Trust has recently announced the appointment of Bhekinkosi Moyo as the new executive director of the Trust with effect from 1 June 2014. Bheki is currently the deputy executive director of the Trust. He was its acting executive director for a few months last year. Bheki was previously the director of programmes…

Latest from the Spanish Association of Foundations

The April 2014 issue of Cuadernos, the newsletter of the Spanish Association of Foundations, focuses on “social inclusion”. Don’t miss the article on page #6 by Stephen Pittam, ‘Las fundaciones por la paz y por la justicia social’ on the role of foundations for social justice and peace in the face of the current challenges facing Europe. CUADERNOS…

The Role of Philanthropy in Difficult Times

In his book, ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, Charles Dickens wrote that ‘It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times’; and as ever the Chinese have a proverb (some say a curse) – ‘May you live in interesting times’, but our lecture title today – ‘The Role of Philanthropy in…

Tribute to Sithie Tiruchelvam

Sithie Subanhaniya Tiruchelvam, the founder of the Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust (NTT), an indigenous philanthropic organization based in Sri Lanka, passed away in Colombo on 22 March at the age of 69 following a brief illness.  Writing a tribute to Sithie Tiruchelvam is not an easy task as Sithie was an intensely private person.  Yet her public achievements,…