European Values – Promoting Solidarity at a Time of Austerity. What Role can Philanthropy Play?

On Oct 7-8, 2014 the Working Group on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP) in collaboration with the Network of European Foundations and the Even’s Foundation (Antwerp) organised a convening entitled “European Values – Promoting Solidarity at a Time of Austerity. What Role can Philanthropy Play?” The convening brought together a small group of…

The Third Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize

On November 13, 2014 the Alliance magazine announced the launch of the Third Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize.  The prize was established in memory of Olga Alexeeva, founder of Philanthropy Bridge Foundation, by former PFB trustees in honour of her memory and beliefs. The prize is awarded annually. The prize of £5,000 will be awarded to an…

Do not kill or hijack…

Over twenty years of working in this field of social justice philanthropy in Nepal, I continue to be struck by the resilience of the local communities, their home-grown leaderships, and the way they innovate and improvise to sustain and nurture each other as far as it is possible!  During a recent visit to several districts…

5 Questions for…Moukhtar Kocache, author, ‘Framing the Discourse, Advancing the Work: Philanthropy at the Nexus of Peace & SJ’

Earlier this year, the Working Group on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace issued a report, Framing the Discourse, Advancing the Work: Philanthropy at the Nexus of Peace and Social Justice and Arts and Culture, that highlighted the synergy between the arts and social movements around the globe — and the general reluctance among funders to fund arts…

Latin America and the Caribbean: New Report on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace

 US peacebuilding theorist John Paul Lederach talks about achieving “critical yeast” in difficult circumstances, with this arguably being of greater importance than “critical mass.” If the recently circulated report on philanthropy for social justice and peace in Latin America and the Caribbean is to be believed that is exactly what exists: critical yeast. The 32…

Community Foundation Atlas Launched

On Oct 20, 2014 in Cleveland (USA), at the Fall Conference for Community Foundations, an international research collaboration unveiled the “Community Foundation Atlas,” the most comprehensive directory of the world’s community foundation movement that has ever been published. The online platform, available at, maps the identi- ties, locations, assets, roles and achievements of place-based…

Rant on Humanitarianism

It is 3am and my left index finger taps involuntarily on the laminate desk because I’ve been told by someone I respect that I am wrong or just crazy (but oh so politely) to find it very strange that the distinction between what is “humanitarian” and what is “developmental” in terms of aid is so…