On the path…

I with my colleague Meera, I have been running a 3-year fund-raising campaign named the “Sampanna (fulfilling) Campaign” (April 2011 – March 2014) for Tewa – Nepal Women’s Fund which has a goal to raise US $ 900000. Within this campaign, we built an equally ambitious plan of raising at least a US $ 100000…

Achieving Social Change – What Role for Grantmaking?

Join Alliance Maagzine for a Webinar on January 14 from 10:30AM-12PM EST Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/656456326 Increasingly, grantmaking is being dismissed as a serious strategy for achieving social change, with the real business being done by venture philanthropy, strategic philanthropy, and most recently catalytic philanthropy. This webinar roundtable will…

Mindfulness in Advancing Philanthropy with Wealth

By Rita Thapa In my last blog I argued that philanthropy has no direct relation with wealth. Now, I want to recognize and emphasize how wealth has, can be, and needs to be used to leverage for societal transformation – for social justice, equity, and for peace. All over the world, the discerning good among…

New Directions in Southern Human Rights Funding

Too few foundations support human rights in the Global South, and many of those northern funders who do support rights continue to make old mistakes. There are new players in unexpected places, however, who offer promising examples. The next generation of foundations in the Global South will likely be the vanguard of experimentation and learning.…

What Has “Philanthropy” Got to Do with Wealth?

By Rita Thapa During heightened civil war in Nepal, I went to visit an abandoned village burned to ashes by the Maoists (for the government had armed local civilians to retaliate with the Maoists). The lurking smell of death was strong enough to keep neighbours at bay even on the 13th day I arrived there.…

Draft Law of Georgia on Philanthropy, Charity and Social Partnership Focuses on Peace and Social Justice

In 2011 the Taso Foundation, as part of the partnership grant from Global Fund for Women started work with the aim to develop a draft law on philanthropy and promote the culture of philanthropy in Georgia. This program is still underway, having been continued with the support of Open Society – Georgia Foundation. Beginnings Besides…

Una agenda filantrópica común para la Justicia Social y la Paz en América Latina y el Caribe

Por Chandrika Sahai y Ana Criquillion Read this post in English here. En la actualidad, la región de América Latina y el Caribe está pasando por enormes cambios. Su situación económica está cambiando y algunos de los países de la región son incluso considerados ahora como mercados emergentes. Mientras tanto las estructuras sociales, económicas y…

Special Issue of Alliance Magazine: Philanthropy and Power

Courtesy of www.alliancemagazine.org The September 2013 issue of Alliance Magazine focuses on philanthropy and power. In his article, ‘The power of money’ guest editor Stephen Pittam explores how philanthropy can best use the power brought by increased resources, as it enters its “second golden age”, to increase its impact on social justice and promoting a…

The Power of Money

By Stephen Pittam Courtesy of www.alliancemagazine.org Six months after I had started working for the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) a close friend said to me, ‘you have changed – you expect people to listen to you.’ It was a good reminder of the best piece of advice I received on getting the job. Eric…