Conference: A Future Without Poverty March 2, 2015

Monday 2nd March, 10.30am – 5pm
Hallam Conference Centre
44 Hallam Street, London, United Kingdom W1W 6JJ

This conference, jointly organised by the Fabian Society and Bright Blue in partnership with the Webb Memorial Trust, will focus on building a cross-party consensus on the attributes of and solutions for twenty-first century poverty.

The day will include:

  • A keynote speech from Alan Milburn (chair, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission);
  • A Question Time event with high-profile politicians and opinion formers from across the political spectrum;
  • A Dragon’s Den event with expert ‘judges’ assessing the merits of innovative interventions to address UK poverty;
  • Break-out sessions on: good jobs; social exclusion and loneliness; stronger families in a twenty-first century world; the future of welfare reform; and young people’s skills for the future.

Confirmed speakers: Alan Milburn (chair, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission), Jeremy Lefroy MP (chair, Conservative Social Capital Commission), Stephen Timms MP(shadow minister for employment), Shaun Bailey (former adviser to the prime minister on youth policy), Philip Collins (chief leader-writer, The Times), Peter Franklin (columnist, Conservative Home), Alison Garnham (chief executive, Child Poverty Action Group), Chris Goulden (head of policy, Joseph Rowntree Foundation), Neil Jameson (executive director, Citizens UK), Barry Knight (principal advisor, Webb Memorial Trust), Gary Porter (leader, LGA Conservatives), Nicola Smith (head of economic and social affairs department, TUC). More to be announced.

The event will bring together people from different professional, political and social backgrounds to share their experiences and ideas. This will include people living in poverty, and those leading projects to mitigate the effects of poverty, together with civil servants, policy experts, activists and politicians. All are welcome to attend.

Entry to the conference is free. Please click here to register.

If you would like to book tickets for a community group please contact Felicity Slater at the Fabian Society